He has everything you need, from anime to internet to basically everything. He is also not the mugger type, quiet quiet mug mug. He is super fun. He is probably one of the best room mate in RIB.
Sometimes, learning to accept others is a good thing. Quote of the day will be, " Tony is a nice guy!"

Was staring at McDonald’s window panes just now. The food looks extremely inviting but my feet said no. In the end, I went to eat black pepper beef rice with egg. Then I went up to comics connection in hope they offer fixing service for my psp key jam but they dun have that service D: but I saw some nice SNSD laminated cards so I bought 2. One is exclusively SUNNY! The other is the whole SNSD. SUNNY IS THE BEST LAR! OMG. Jessica also very nice. <3 <3 <3
I’ve decided to change my hairstyle. Im gona keep really long. And im only going to cut when I get booked 2 times. As for what type of hairstyle, I shall not say and all shall wait and see!
Damn tired pass few days, barely sleeping. Gootaaa do work again. Haix. Byes

Nice group I’ve got for tomorrow’s camp. I would like to thank some people for putting my beloved Jia Wei back into my group. Jia Wei lets go pwn the PT I set! I want to thank DONGDONG, GANG, AND RJ (although I don’t know what he do, he is the chairman so let’s thank him :D ) Okay, there are a lot others I would like to thank but I can’t list them all down, so thank you EVERYone!
It’s kind of upsetting to realize that after coming back from the camp I would be half way into the holidays. So sad! And I just remembered there is dazu on Friday as well! Then the SS project… And my routine. And Shen Lao Shi’s practice session and Miss Yew’s math and and and… what the hell! I’m getting stressed just by counting the amount of stuff.
Want to sleep but I can’t! Because there are just too many things I need to prepare. I sigh in despair but what can I do? Sometimes, it’s really just me wasting time myself, like walking around the house thinking of “distracting” stuff or traveling around Singapore to find a suitable water bottle... Either way, I think its worth it somehow?
Anyway, my house just welcomed the 5th computer yesterday. A lame Lenovo G460 laptop with an upgraded RAM to 4GB. This computer is meant for my RLP3 so it’s really lousy. I mean its not that bad but its crap computer. Well, at least the good thing to look forward to is that I’m getting an Alienware M17x Laptop at the end of year! Woots! Getting the better one that is around 4k. The 5k one has not much point. The 3k one is not as good. The middle is always the best :D
Once again, I DESPERATELY need a DUFFLE BAG and I’ve to get one before school starts. Life SUCKS TTM just when I hope it would get better. Oh, I also need to buy some towels.
It’s like, hey there yo buddy, wadsup bro?

What is chemistry coming to? I agree to the fullest extent that this is the worst practical in my whole RI life. The smallest living one cell organism is the amoeba. It has constant diffusion with the water around it. But that’s beside the point. That wasn’t necessary.
The thing I want to talk about today is about what is happening to us now - the radical change in our student society that teachers deemed as inappropriate yet that’s a change bound to happen. We spent one whole productive math lesson on this topic and it seemed interesting enough for me to talk about.
Changes happen all the time. It’s part and parcel of an evolution. People evolve and learn new things because they break the convention, either the bad way or the right way. However, there is no such thing as bad or good or right. That’s all opinions set by human beings as a moral guild line. When you feel like doing it, there is no such thing as a right or wrong. So therefore, it brings us down to people evolve and learn new things because they break the convention of things. That’s the exact reason, we challenge the process, changing it the way we want it to be and so, bringing an improvement to it. When we stop changing, society dies.
Let’s try to understand the “phenomenon” of why employers like to hire new, young talents instead of older ones. It happens almost in any particular job and the most prominent will be in fashion. Why is that so? It is because it’s always the new talents that have the new and interesting ideas that the older generation do not even think about. The older generation deemed it as crazy but yet, in the end, it becomes the trend. The printing press, for example, when it was first invented, people of the older generation think it’s a usually machine and is destined to fail but what it brings forward was the renaissance and the enlightenment due to the spread of ideas through books. So, what is may look like a chaos and retarded thing today may be the new black couple of years down the road.
Also, another point about maturity rate was brought up. Indeed, maturity rate does indeed play a big part in determining how we look at things and view it from an adult’s point of view. We may think Pokémon is cool few years back and now it’s like, “What the crap. I used to play that when I was young?!” Indeed, maturity rate does change as we grow older. So, it’s a really natural thing when we see what we are today as normal and yet realize that we are not tomorrow. This kind of things can’t be forced onto us and we need time to think and understand this world. So, to all the teachers that think we suck and we are really rude and disrespectful kids, you might want to rethink about yourself when you were our age. You may argue that at that point of time you are very guai and stuff but is it true? Can that be possible? Dare to say you never said a single profanity in your entire life? That’s not possible. There is no one that is infallible.
So, our student society is changing and there is nothing you can do about it.
A prefect ran to the Principal and said, “The students are very noisy, there is no way we can stop them.”
Principal asked, “Is that a riot by the student population due to the fact that bottled drinks are not allowed to be taken out of canteen?”
Head Prefect replied, “No, madam. That’s a revolution.”

Life is so confusing. I realized how I was simply living in a small fictional world of mine, living happily by my own fantasies and dreams which I doubt I could ever reach. The illusion was shattered on the exact moment you entered the glass sphere of my fantasy world. The shattered pieces fell apart and it certainly took its’ time before it hit me hard on the head, knocking me into reality, knocking me into what the world really is. This process I should say, have been catalyzed by a book called Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami. It touched on the topic of life, death, love and the most important part, its philosophy on this world. Like it did to many readers worldwide, it has dawned the cruel fact of life onto me, a teenager turning 16th this year. For some people, the book is just another porno book with nearly half its story about how people have sex but what I saw in the book was more than what meets the eye. We live a life without much meaning to it. And what is really meaningful is what we have around us, what we have it now. The past is sometimes indeed hard to let go but we should always look at the future. The past had gone but not the future. Death is just the last part of life, where it’s when you stop whatever you are doing and relax- forever. I love this quote from the author, “Death exists, not as the opposite but as a part of life.”. Indeed, this is exceptionally true to every word here and every word is deeply imprinted in my head. Life is certainly more than what it seems to be. It is so much more complicated and exhausting. So that’s the reason why we choose to live in our smaller and simpler world.
The shattering of my small little glass sphere with your appearance is bound to take place. It’s just a matter of how long it will take. The book sped everything up and what appears before me now is the naked truth about society, how dirty it can be and yet at the same time a beautiful place to live in. It is really confusing as it is a stark contrast to each other how society can be but the beautiful irony is that both can certainly exist in the world at the exact same time. So, I should say, I’m pretty much confused because I’m like caught up in between. I don’t know how I feel for you and if I should. How much do you mean to me I wonder. I really don’t know the answer. I’m really exhausted. This blog post sucked half the life out of me and several false starts on each sentence took me nearly an hour to write this short post. I would certainly need to take time off and think carefully. It just takes time to sort out the jumbled mess and I hope I would be okay soon enough.
P.S It had been a really long night, especially for me.