2:21 AM

I will get back to this blog, its posts and comments on cbox soon after examinations. Just one simple fact that I did like to point out. Not many students are caring about what are happening around us and around the world. They live in a peaceful world with capable leaders (which I will talk about the flip side of our brilliant leadership because I want to avoid trouble, especially from the Government bodies) and enjoy good living conditions. These caused a serious problem in our current society which also is commonly found in most developed countries. This problem is political apathy. Young kids nowadays choose the easy way of live that does not include politics. They rule politics and its philosophy as useless and lame. However, our great leaders can't live forever and when it comes to the point when they passed away, who is going to take over the country. I do not claim to be actively reading up on politics neither do I claim I like politics a lot but I believe the basic idea of understanding politics and appreciating it is very important. With that, I truly fear for our future.