One, I was feeling lazy. Two, my blogger homepage was down for some reason or another and three, I was just so busy.
I’m planning the PT for the March CO camp and I wish to write what I’m thinking of here in case I forget. Morning PT will be 4 rounds around the rugby field, excluding the softball court. Everyone must do and the last 10 to reach will have to do 20 pushups each. Following which, we will be moving on to separate stations due to the fact that Napfa is approaching. Lower sec will be made to do suicides on the rugby field, 2 sets and last 3 will be made to do 20 pushups each. Upper sec will be going to the pull up bar to train pull ups. Each person is to complete 3 sets of 7 pull ups. Assisted pull ups will be allowed. If things are fast, we might be able to play a game of basketball before breakfast, but I highly doubt we can make it.
That’s about all for the PT. Simple yet challenging. This is not final and I might make it tougher. Bio I got my full marks for my second quiz. I need to thank Hongsy for that. However, I have to draw his ninja for him. Haha, overall I feel its quite worth it. Interclass deco, theme ninja… Somehow it’s a bit the weird but never mind, since we started on it…
Have to draw my mon-stars and make some shurikans… haix.
Anyway, yesterday went to lan with some friends. Play TF2, L4D2 and Dota. And omg, liench U SUCK SO BAD AT L4D2. We always need to go back and save you… And in the end all die. First time playing TF2. It’s not that fun, neither is it that bad. I hate kelson’s spy, too gay le… But nevertheless, I got back my revenge during dota. First 2 games were fun, and the last one wasn’t too bad either.
Going off to eat dinner now!

Nvm. I will try not to think about that nightmare… Today basketball was fun. Especially when it’s like 10 plus and there is no lights at all. Getting new laptop next month and it will be the 6th computer in my house. Each of my family members has a computer now including my sister. Maybe next time I should open LAN shop after I get a few more computers.
I feel super sleepy now. I wonder if it’s the time or is it the day that really stressed me out. Eat it in, eat it in, I always tell myself cause I want to keep my anger and stress level to the minimal. Looking forward to the Body World exhibition, because that’s when I fully understand how the muscle works.
Complicated stuff. All the super complicated stuff. I will throw then aside and try to live a life as simple as possible. I don’t want to be pulled into a world so harsh and yet I want to try it. It’s weird to me even when I think of it.
Now it’s 1235 on Saturday morning and I’m gona sleep. Sleepy and tired.

Physics was 7/10 as I expected. Super careless so it’s like totally wasted. I keep wondering where is the math AA. I want to see how much I got for that one cause that’s the only one so far that is really counted into the GPA.
I really want a break again. It’s so tiring. Everyone asked how’s new year and I replied to every single one, “Screwed up.”. Yeah, the New Year holidays is certainly damn screwed up. With lots of stuff going on and waking up so early every day, things are moving real fast. Looking forward to next week – Thursday is staff training day and Friday seems to be house carnival (hopefully held within school hours).
Okay, before I get back to my work, lets conclude what’s up for next week.
1. Biology eye quiz
2. History to be handed in on Monday (or next history lesson)
3. Chemistry quiz
4. Handing up of English work
That’s quite a lot of stuff… and week 9 there is
1. Chemistry Lab
2. Bio Lab
3. Physics practical
4. Probably having some math TA or AA
5. And most likely a lot of history notes
Then week 10 where everything comes back and March holidays (really holidays?) Term 1 passed. That’s quite tiring for a first term.

I slept at 1.30am this morning. My neighbor’s dog barked like some mad dog around 2. Then I finally got back to sleep at 2.30am. Then I woke at 7 due my natural biological clock. I got nothing to do (who the heck has mood to do homework so early like 7am?) so I went do to do my morning workout, interval trainings. Returned home with some lousy breakfast…
After breakfast I studied till 1pm. Cooked and ate my own lunch, something really simple but nutritious. Then I went to gym at 3pm. Then I returned home at 5.40pm with a really sore body and a really bad headache.
I really feel damn tired after today morning’s morning workout. I shouldn’t have gone for the afternoon gym training. But I succumbed to the temptation in the end.
Life sucks. I realized nothing is easy but this is killing me. I can’t imagine what taylor lautner did to himself to get such a body within one year. I want to ask him how but I guess he won’t tell me anyway. Headache! I don’t want to talk anymore. Happy New Year! I realized I forgot that one in earlier posts.

Then I decided to go on my com and played COD MW2 for awhile. Then I decided to find articles online to show my parents that protein powder has NO side effects. Well, found quite a lot and finally, they decided to ALLOW me to get and use protein powder although they not sponsoring me cause that stuff is expensive.
So I happily went out to get my first ever 2 bottles of protein powder. It’s a product of GNC. Chocolate flavor. Strawberry ones tasted like rotten strawberry. Disgusting stuff. Anyway, 2 bottles of that can last me for 10weeks. This means I need to replenish my stock during June holidays. Anyway, anyone that needs to buy protein powder but no membership (membership is buy 1 get 1 free, therefore 2 bottles. If not $102.95 one bottle. Not worth at all) can look for me. Pay me $102.95, I get for you then you meet me to get or you can follow me to get the protein powder if you don’t trust me enough. I never charge any extra fees; I’m simply doing a favor to everyone that needs help. Please at least notify me 1 week in advance before your payment or meet up to go down.
Today gym I did things that are quite hell and now my whole body aching. But thank god got good food though dinner was a bit failed because no one really said anything…
Anyway the thing I really want to comment about is LIU QIAN’s performance for the China Chinese New Year show. OMG! That guy is insane. The card trick is amazing. But what is the most amazing is the coin one. The craziest part is when his hand went pass the glass. I wish to say the glass has some problems with it, but seriously, it’s solid hard when he knocked it. He is not human! He is so god damned cool. Shit! How he become so pro? I want to be his student! LIU QIAN I WAN BE YOUR STUDENT! I WANT TO DO MAGIC TOO! Holy crap… He is SICK! I will do anything to learn magic from him! LIU QIAN FTW!

Feeling damn tired now. Tomorrow we have performance in the morning and I have to wake at 5 in order to board the 5.24 train… Ah. And 5.24 is the first train to service tomorrow. My eye bags are so damn beautiful after 2 consecutive days sleeping at 2 and 1 respectively…
I wonder if it’s gona continue like this for the rest of the year. I’m nearing the brink of destruction. Especially lousy because I gym a lot and the muscles do not have adequate time to recover… Haix.
Going to sleep now. Tomorrow will be a long day. Basketball with friends! ~~ and nxt sat and mon gym. YEAH!~

After that we moved on to English – nothing much. Chinese – nothing much as well. Math was a fun period when we did our first TA on trigonometry and finished the miscellaneous questions for proving trigonometry equations. Proving is fun when you know how to solve it but can be super frustrating if you keep getting stuck.
Afternoon went to gym with my usual group of friends. Gym friends FTW! 80kg squats going to be increased to 90kg soon. Love doing squats. Squats FTW too! I taught some of my CO friends on how to use certain machines to train pull ups. Looks like they are really not so strong – they have problems with 20kg Lats pullover. I can do well over 50kg. Mmm. I tried 64kg today. It’s rather manageable.
Joined some Chinese Blogging competition aiming to win first in SG! Jiayous to myself! Then somehow I also signed up for a zuowen competition. I also don’t know why I signed up. Maybe because the teacher keeps pestering me to go cause my zuo wen always write like a short novel? Anyway, time to start building up on my new vocabulary bank of chim Chinese words so I can write with more style on that day of the competition. The paper says they want teachers to recommend students to go, then if he asked if I want to go, does it mean recommending me for it? If that’s the case, then I feel damn honored.
History test tomorrow, gotta go and study. Bye!!~~

Sometimes, I just feel super tired. Especially after freaking screwing up one physics quiz. GOD DAMN IT! How can I be so careless? I actually forgot about atmospheric pressure acting on the water body! That cost me 2 marks. And I made a wrong connection of the mass of the car pressure exerted on the car’s tire. That’s another 1 mark. Bringing me to a 7/10. 3.6! NO!
Although it’s not counted in the GPA but I still feel very stupid. Ah! CRAP! I FEEL LIKE KILLING SOMEONE. Gosh! Need to cool down. English and history coming up and I need to really do well for those two. Since I got a dozen English work to hand in tomorrow and a history test coming on Thursday, I shall keep this a real short one. Yeah…
Really looking forward to tomorrow because I will finally be able to go to gym. Can't live past one week without gym. So so addicted to it.

Today, I’m very proud of myself. I kept myself awake throughout the whole History lesson although nothing much went in. I was more captivated in laughing at my friend who is trying to flirt with this new half Japanese girl from RGS. I’m not very sure but according to my friend’s contact, her name is Umiko. In fact, my friend is so stupid to show me her number and I remembered it like immediately. I’m talented at this okay? (: Lol. Joking joking~. It’s just her number easy to memorize so I see one time I found a memory technique to remember that. For privacy reasons, I shall not disclose her handphone number on my blog but if you want to know her, you can pm me and I will tell you the number. But under one condition that my name should not be mentioned in any way in your conversations with her. Using my friend’s Lien Chew’s name will be appropriate. Suggested ways to start the convo going will be, “Hi there cutie. My name is XYZ. My friend Lien Chew introduced you to me. He says you are a really nice person so I did like to make friends with you.” Pretty decent don’t you think? (: Lien Chew, sorry… If you want to meet me for personal issues, you can find me after school in raja floor 7th floor toilet. We can settle our business there. (:

Sometimes, why do I feel so lost? It’s like a war, chaos, darkness eating all the way deep into my heart. Sometimes, I feel so dark, so sinister, and so evil. I don’t really know why I am feeling all these and if I’m really ok if I felt all these emotions which are not emotions to begin with…
Maybe from the other side of the bridge I’m watching you but you had never noticed me. Probably that’s what makes this spiral into darkness. Or maybe is the way you say things to me, it sounds weird. Just can’t stop getting me thinking, what are you trying to say?! I know I always think too much on things and I just can’t stop. This bad habit will eventually bring the end of me I guess. When I talk to you, I need 10x more time to think and rethink what I should say, that’s because I don’t feel like saying the wrong things and hurting you. That’s why I take extra time to reply an sms to you. All girls are fragile, but you are more brittle and fragile than others. Need to hold you carefully in the hands and prevent you from dropping because if you are dropped once, you will be shattered for life.
Maybe that’s the reason why I don’t want to get closer to you. I’m scared and doubted my ability to hold you and prevent you from falling. I don’t wish to be the first to hurt you neither would I want to be the last. That’s the exact reason why I shall always watch you from behind and support you. I don’t mind whoever you go with in the end. If it’s fate, then let fate decide. Everyone’s life is a script that is prewritten even before you are born. Whatever you do and whoever you meet are just following the script. If the script says we are not fated to be together than we shall just follow as probably, I’m powerless to change it.
People tell me that I’m probably just not going for it enough. But every time you are with another guy, I mean I don’t hate that guy or anything but I just don’t know how to start. I don’t wish to spoil your relationship but I had problems with mine too. Life’s unfair. But we can do no shit to it. You choose who you want to be with and I’m fine with anything. Just come and tell me who you choose to be with. It will be really fine and nice thought. I won’t drown myself in alcohol or other stupid things that guys resort to when they cannot handle their relationship because I’m sensible and probably you won’t want to see me doing that.
When I typed this, I remembered Taeyang’s wedding dress. Although his story was a bit different from mine because I don’t really know the guy you are with but I will certainly appear at your wedding and play the piano for you. You don’t have to feel sorry for me - because I choose to do that… Maybe someday I will regret not holding on to you when I could. Maybe I will regret that why I wasn’t there with you when you are alone. Maybe I will regret why I can’t be the guy that is with you. But that, I’m not fully sure myself…
I always thought I’m strong and I will never lose to anyone if I want something. But I have lost now. I have lost to you. I don’t know what’s wrong. I don’t want to be trapped in this vortex of illusions. But I can’t. This vortex is so strong I can’t get out. Slowly going deeper and getting suffocated. Now I don’t even know what to talk to you about cause you don’t seems to be interested in anything. Maybe if I just disappear it will be better for both of us. I want to go, but I can’t let go. Now, I feel so lonely. Like never before, won’t someone be here to help me? Maybe that’s something I have to go through myself… Is this what I really want?

Today, I realized I’m a lousy, very lousy technician. I can’t solve some stupid mio problem. Or maybe problems. Mio really has lots of problems. I should have warned my dad not to get mio if I had known it was so damn bad. I heard critics before I got it and the overall rating for Mio is sucky. But I think since my dad wants a mio so much and the hope that singnet will improve their service since mio came out for quite awhile, I didn’t say a thing. And it turned out to be quite bad for the entire family. And just today, I realized it’s probably not just my family, but hundreds out there. I feel so sad and sorry for everyone who bought a mio plan… but we all have to stick with this shit until end of 2 yrs for the contract to end. Then I’m going for starhub. Starhub FTW! ~ (:
Nothing really much today. Since I woke up at 7, did some morning jogging, studied physics and at the same time helping someone, went out to da bao lunch and went to gym till now. You can see how little events I have in one day.
Ok, since I have nothing much to say. I shall talk about what happened at gym today. I went to gym and the first exercise I did was the squats. I started with 2 sets of 60kg squats with an alternate of leg extension and leg curl in between each set. Then I increased the squats weight to 80kg and I did 1set. So after that I was thinking, “Ok, that’s it for today.” Then, suddenly, this group of people came over and saw the 80kg squats bar. They tried to carry it (not doing squats yet) but all failed… When they were about to change the weight I went over and asked, “You all using?” Then they quickly say no. So,~~ I went up to the bar and did another set of squats… I wasn’t supposed to do that set but for suanning’s sake. Haha. I know it’s damn bad but if it’s one person then forget it, but there is a whole group of 5 to 6 people there… If I don’t suan, I feel wasted… Lol~ the more I talk about this, the guiltier I get… Nvm. I didn’t only suan them today… I shan’t say more in case I die of guilt. I think I won’t do that again. (:
Cheers people. May the muscles be with you. (:

Writing my blog post early today because I realized I can’t use the computer tonight due to various reasons. In 1 week’s time it will be New Year day. Although I haven’t officially turned 16, I do think I’m mature enough to be 16. Why do I say so, I do not want to share with the whole world. Just that I feel that I can take on anything out there. Ok, maybe that’s naïve but I will always try my best in whatever I do now. That’s something new to me because all I want for the past 3 years (and I did get it) was to slack all day long. Haha. My grades suffered as a result but my gaming skills did improve :D Now, looking back at myself, slacking during sectionals, playing random stuff during dazu, maybe I’m really a bad example to my juniors.
Well, at least I’m quite a good unqualified gym trainer. Oh, that is limited to probably only RI as there are so many better trainers out there. Also, I never said that I’m better than RI’s gym trainers because they are really nice people. Mr. Freaking Big Muscles and Terry. Haha. Really good trainers they are. But when they are not around, usually it’s me going around helping the juniors and some of my inexperienced classmates on how to do certain exercises properly. In fact, there are many people that I see in gym that I know not personally but by heart cause they are always there just like me. Haha. But they are much stronger and I don’t really grow much muscles.
My knuckles has a distinct black dot in the middle now cause of the callus formed by doing knuckle commandos on hard floor. Now when I do it on smooth terrain, it will not get injured. And that’s quite a good news to me because I can resume training without breaking my promise.
Oh, just to highlight, my whole body is so so pain today. Not exactly pain but sore. If it is pain I need to see doctor because there might be muscle tear. Anyway the sore is so bad that when I woke up this morning I can’t sit up. It’s like I tried to sit up but I fall back down halfway because I can’t exert much strength especially when I just woke up. Then I relaxed for 30sec before heaving myself up. Then I stretched and the sore was … Anyway for the rest of the day, when I breathe in hard, it will get pain too. This means, I’m feeling the soreness as I typed this.
Hopefully can recover as I got another session this coming sat and I don’t want it to be postponed. I didn’t expect it to be this bad, really.
P.S ----- A good dose of protein powder will actually help a lot. Haha but who will help me buy cause its 101bucks for a duration of 1 month... Nevertheless I’m getting one bottle and training on every alternate day during June holidays. Jiayous to myself and also, everyone else. Esp to my other friend trying hard to lose weight and another trying to be cheerful.
Gambatte Kudasai~~~!

It’s the sound made by the computer when u make a call or send an sms near it. Or, it can be the sound you hear first before the arrival of your one new message or call.
Haha. That was a little random extra. Today I’m totally exhausted. TOTALLY exhausted. Bio and Math tests on the same day are truly epic. Especially when you studied till 2am the previous night and woke up at 5 the next day.
But well, I guess it was worth it to do so because I believe I can score above 13/15 for my bio test and a 100% full marks for my math. Even though the exams are not counted in the gpa but I still find a lot of pressure when all this minor stuff comes along.
Next week will be the physics quiz and the history graded assignment. Its graded and counted in the gpa. But thank god we can bring home and do. This means, I can slowly spend my time rereading the notes on French revolution and sourcing for more supporting evidences. This is just great!
Gym was quite fine today apart from the unusual amount of visitors. My chest muscles and back muscles are extremely pain due to unknown reasons or maybe known reasons. I guess it is partially due to the injuries from before and also the new advanced methods of training that really burn the muscles. A good 2 days rest will be sufficient for a full recovery and I will proceed with training again this coming sat. And I can’t believe I improved on my squats by 10kg already. Last week I was doing 50kg weighted squats and today I can do 60kg weighted squats! Maybe next week I shall move on to 70kg :D
Mmm… Today something damn stupid happened to me. I went back to change after gym then it was super hot so I was in the toilet without my shirt and trying to cool down. Then the stupid fan was spoilt. The toilet is super stuffy too so I wanted some wind. So after much consideration I walked out a bit from the toilet. The stupid effing thing was that just at that time some group of Taiwan girls from some Taiwan immersion program walked over… Then I was like WTF, so I ran back into the toilet. I guess some of the girls saw me =.=
My prefect friend was there too. When I asked him if they got see me then he said he think some saw me and they were laughing or something. Then he started suanning me by saying I planned this beforehand just to show off my muscles and stuff. THIS IS TRULY LIKE WTH! Anyway, I still don’t get what the freaking hell is wrong with guys taking off their shirts.
Overall, today is the most epic day of the year 2010. Or at least for now. Haha.

I have finally realized what is wrong with me. It is with my biological clock. I ALWAYS wake up in the morning feeling like shit and at night I’m super active. Because of this, I ALWAYS get scolded.
This is still so interesting even after like 1 week of understanding it…
I FAT DUN EAT with you.
I FAT DUN EAT can surprisingly be rearranged to form the word INFATUATED. So in other words (hoho - pun... or is it? LOL), it means “Infatuated with you”. I guess all of you all will be like, HUH? SO? LMAO!
This original line was created by my Form Teacher/ Math teacher when she was in RJC couple of years back. This line is a poem title that she wrote in her “diary”. She wrote it after a guy confessed to her, but she dao-ed him. Poor guy… D:
Anyway, I can’t believe my Math teacher came up with this! I always thought all math teachers are like go in to class – ok, class, take out worksheet 1/2, today we shall go through cosine rule and sine rule.
c^2 = a^2 + b^2 – 2abCosC > cosine rule and a/SinA = b/SinB = c/SinC > sine rule. Okay? Done? Now we can move on the trigonometry functions. First determine which quadrant, 1,2, 3 or 4. Remember class your SATCs! 1st quadrant All positive, 2nd qua Sine positive, 3rd qua Tangent positive and 4th qua Cosine Positive. Now we shall go through Secant, Cosecant and Cotangent. Oh, before this, we need to note that sinX/cosX = tanX, Sin(-X) = -SinX, Cos(-X) = CosX and Tan(-X) = -TanX….. and the story continues. (I’m not in the mood to finish teaching the whole sec 3 and 4 syllabuses on trigonometry…)
See how boring it can be? Math teacher are stereotyped with boring, lame and geeky. However, our Ms Yew is SO different! She has a much more normal life apart from being a math teacher. And I find that totally awesome and cool.
Sometimes, the simplest of things and gestures makes me happy. Examples of such includes finding out the warmer side of someone like our math teacher; seeing people giving up seats to elderly people (of course I’m not sitting down if not I will be the one offering the seat, hmmph); finishing a piece of homework or talking to people on msn or via sms. These kinds of stuff are neither big nor significant but it certainly made up a huge part of my life or even our life as a student so we should all learn to embrace it and enjoy every juicy bit of it. Yum! :)
Another thing that keeps happening to me is getting injured. I injured myself in various body parts 4 times in approximately 2 weeks. The worst injury will be the stupid neck injury that was caused by a failed landing of a handstand. I fell sideways and yea, twisted my neck, ouch! Now is getting better thanks to the great wisdom of the Chinese Medicine Knowledge on nerves and blood vessels. Neck massages helped me from a barely movable neck to just stiffness within one night. I call that a miracle. My knuckles have just recovered after the knuckle commandos I did last week. The wound opened 3 times because I have to suan my friends 3 times with knuckle commandos. Sounds stupid and childish right? Haha. Other 2 injuries includes the twisted little finger on my right hand due to basketball and a back pain due to some misuse of gym weights doing squats in the wrong manner. Its soreness level is as follows, sore from workout 2x. sore from misuse of weights 2x. Sore from wrong posture when doing exercise 2x. 2x2x2 = 8. So I have 8 times the pain of a normal individual who did the weight appropriately and safely. So, now I have to keep myself away from injuries because I promised someone not to get into unnecessary injuries. But sometimes I have no choice too! D:
Nvm. This has been a really long post. The longest part was I guess the summary of the sec3 and 4 trigo text. That took me quite long to get them all out. I guess it was 5 to 10mins.
Now, before I go off, I would like to say SORRY to my beloved Chinese teacher, Mr Khoo for pissing him off today, oh, its 0012 alrdy… yesterday… I will strive to do better in class and make sure I will secure the already secured A1!