DISCLAIMER: This post might be insulting to Christians so please if you are a Christian, don’t read and Btw I meant no insult or whatsoever; I simply wanted to express my views on Christianity, which happens to be against Christianity itself. Srry in advance.
Onto my first point, religion in a general is what people believe to be there but is it really there? Here I shall challenge the credibility of the Bible. I shall ask a simple question, “The Bible dropped from the sky or is it written by man?” The answer is obvious, man wrote it. If you happen to say it dropped from the sky, then I would have to challenge your mental credibility. Since the Bible was written by man and is a compilation of bibliographies of probably the world’s best known leaders (Jesus Christ) who also believed in the religion, how can you shall the Bible has direct relations to god? So, what I think of this is that it’s not god that created by man but man created god.
If you walk up to any Christian and ask him, “Do you think god loves me?” He will probably smile and say, “God loves everyone”. If god really loves all of us, why does he choose to let the world be in chaos? Why did he let such a useless man like Bush to become the US president? Why did he let the innocent and pitiful Africans suffer? If God wanted people to live in harmony, then what’s with WW1 and WW2? How did this happen? Surely you aren’t gona tell me that god went to have a nap?
The whole idea of Christianity is built by what they call “faith”. When you are in trouble, they will all tell u “have faith in god” and miracles will happen. However, if I’m about to fail my subjects, I pray to god and I have faith in god that he love me and he will not want to see me fail, will I still fail? The answer is probably yes. Faith is how much you believe in the religion. The more faith you have the stronger you believe in this religion. However, faith is a spiritual thing. No matter how strong you might argue it is, it is still weak. It’s the same type of faith you have in a certain product, once it betrayed you, the faith gets lesser and soon you will hate it. Erm, it’s rather hard to explain this point clearly as it is more of a certain fixed type of paradigms certain people have over different things.
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Now I shall move on to the comparison between religions compared to science. Religion is a weak link that is spiritually linked to the person believing it. He does not know if the god exists and he only choose to believe that god exists. For many religious people, their sole purpose in life is to do the work of god believing that god chose them to convey their message. If they are proven that religion doesn’t exist, what are they going to do from there? Believing in religion is the same as lying on your bed dreaming that you are going to be the next millionaire because it’s just illogical and not possible. Science is way different. Science is backed by different experiments with solid proof unlike those of the Bible by turning a cup of water into wine and stuff. That kind of stuff is called alchemy and alchemy doesn’t exist in real life. Instead, it’s a more simplistic process of breaking compounds into elements and reforming it, i.e. modern day chemistry. In fact, religion as seen here is being portrayed as a form of science itself. Therefore, how can there be a religion in the first place if it supports science directly or indirectly.
I will go on a bit more some other day as im really exhausted from the history and social studies notes and this crap.