Lol. As many people requested as they thought the blog is dying, im back to post... Recently im
very very busy so i got no mood to do any work or write any blog post. Haix. Life is hard man. Nid to prac some 沙迪尔传奇. Such a long song wth.
Let me talk about something. W8 i going dota. Continue ltr.
Let me continue from here. After some intense dota games. I won all. Thankfully. Im usually quite ownage in most of the games except one which is lycan, not very imba but very important in early game but late game keep dying... Some photos of my troll and LOA and 2 lycans. The 2 lycan is not today one but last time game. Today my lycan is not very pro.

Lol. This is the oldest lycan. No personal preference for lycan. I just randomed it. xD. Im
naturally the first in the ranking in this game... There is a heart back home already, so it will be vladimir, threads, bfury, heart and hyperstone.

This is another of my lycan, as i said, not today one. Yea. Today one not very pro so no screenshots. Lol. This one i ranked 3rd among the 10 ppl. But still not bad, the score ranking still quite close. Oh, and the bKb recipe is in base too.

This one played ytd. Super fun this game. Go in chiong like mad and ownnn! Yeah! Troll is still fun without the bashers and bfly. So, actually idk why i buy hammer so dun ask me lol. I noe there is an orby there and maim will overwrite the thunder... But its still pro. Anw this one i ranked first. With highest lvl, best items with most kills. Troll is damn prol.
My most recent abaddon. Or LOA. I was owning but i couldn't complete the game cause i gtg. Lol. But at least when i leave tht time, im still ranked first. I killed to a MegakIll early game, and i got my bfury when i was lvl 8. The Anti mage sure noe how to feed me. Lvl 2 let me draw first blood... Then late game all this imba items and a unstoppable streak. I went in once and make a triple kill thanks to my ulti. xD Love the bloody Ulti man. So gay. Esp when a razor on first skill and zap me like nuts.
Yeah. Thats about dota. Its also quite late and i shall post next time, Ltr! Cheers!!//