Labels: Random

School started like blah blah blah and Mrs Alba decided to let us do some pretest commentary essay. I skipped Maths (thankfully) because i nid to go for sound test at SCH. Today periods is sibei boring so i dun wan tok abt it, i will fall aslp de..
Went for our second sound test today. Still kant believe that the school is willing to spend money to let us go for a second one so we (or most of us) cherished it. It started at 2.30 and ended at 3.50? idk the actual time but we prac like very short. Went through each song twice or thrice and corrected some mistakes here and there. Lao Zhou was giving his super "pro" opinions. Oklah, it's quite pro la. Lawl.
After the sound test is the usual debrief by LSH, and we are lucky she didn't go tok abt her dreams and hopes for one hour. Im really grateful for that. She gt ask abt the new name of our CO, and i personally feel we should keep it as RICO. RICO have a long history and all our seniorshard work is put into RICO and not any other CO groups. Also, RICO is very useful for our percussionist. RICO = 4beats. R,I,C,O and this really works. xP
One thing i found out abt life today from a chinese class work. Ppl that do same thing and anticipate the same stuff everyday is no life freak which is really true. Thus i can conclude that all RI guys are no life freaks, and that includes me. Nooooo! I really no life sia, come online post this shyt...
Anw to end off, i will be typing in chinese for most part of my blog. This is to show my support for the Singapore Government to promote Chinese Learning and also to help my beloved friends who kant read chinese well get better in their chinese. Cheers!//